Intro Blog

             Hi I am Amiya, I’m 16 and I am an A level media studies student. One year ago I was just starting out in media studies and I have come a long way. I still love Beyoncé and Taylor swift but I’ve grown to love other artists like Halle Bailey. My favorite color is burnt orange and I like reading. This year in media I will be creating a shirt film and I am excited to begin it. Right now I’m a junior and there is so much work in my junior year. As of recently I’ve been doing work and reading in my free time. I enjoy reading books in the mystery genre to keep myself interested and occupied. It is a better past time than being on my phone all day. I’ve recently also learned to brew my own teas from leaves and other spices. It took a while but I eventually got the hang of it. Last year in media I often worked with others. This year I am going to try a new approach and work alone. I am going to complete every assignment and task without the help of fellow classmates. However I will be working with my non classmate friends on this project. I believed it will make the process more enjoyable. I recently bought a new guitar because I broke my last one and I believe it was a great investment. Music is just so much better coming from an instrument that you can feel. I also believe that everyone should stream cowboy carter and go see wicked. I think wicked or duet part two deserve to win movie of the year. That’s all! 

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