Production blog: filming scenes 10-13


        Hi blog! We are almost done with filming. We filmed scenes 10-13. Thankfully we are on schedule still. There have been little setbacks that did not stop production all together. So we got to filming more scenes today. In total we had gotten to filming at least 8 scenes of our sequence. This is amazing progress and hopefully we keep it up. The more we filmed together the more we got comfortable. This made production nice and easy because even if we were stressed we all had it in common. I filmed some scenes but I also made an appearance in a scene too. Being behind the camera is easier than being in front of it. Each of us wants to try our hardest to get it right the first time and this keeps us determined. Scheduling is going great and production is too. We have gotten to editing a few scenes. Since we are in time we can make sure our scenes are not too flawed. That all I have written for today! Bye!

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