Production blog: music choices
Hey blog! We began searching for our music choices. Originally I wanted to use a song from an artist that we all loved. The process of getting the rights was much longer than anticipated. In result of this, went down a different path. We began to search for music that did not need rights to be used. We went on a search for non-royalty music. We needed to keep our genre in mind. It is mystery, so we need to look for music that brings up a mysterious feeling. I searched platforms like Apple Music and Spotify. I ended up finding faster results on YouTube. Youtube provided quick and fast results when I went to search for non royalty music. I also wanted to look for sound effects. The camera that we use is not made for picking up small sounds. The sound effects will be used to amplify what is happening in the scenes. They can be used to display emotions such as terror, anger, and sadness. The search for the music is still ongoing. We are still deciding on what music we should use since there is an array of choices. The photo above is a shot from a YouTube video. Videos like these have made it easier for my group to distinguish what music we want in our opening sequence.