Production blog: filming scenes 6-9
Hi blog! My team and I filmed a good portion of scenes recently. Gladly we got a lot of work done! We filmed scenes 6, 7, 8, and 9 for our opening sequence. These scenes were filmed on time and in an orderly manner. Due to this my team and I saved a lot of time. I got to cram a last minute assignment in later in the week because we filmed on time. When we film on schedule we can all easily manage our time better. In the time we filmed the scenes were difficult. There were mistakes made and a lot of refilming scenes. I reminded myself to be patient. Progress is progress and we were still getting work done. No matter how frustrated we got, we continued to film. I ended up taking a break and getting some rest. By the time I got back everyone was ready to continue filming. As we filmed, I held the camera a lot of the time. My hands were shaky so I had to keep the camera and shot still. There is still a bit of a natural pan in a scene or two. The photo above is an example of panning in photography. In film it also relates to the movement of cameras.