Production blog: filming scenes 3-5

                 Hi blog! We filmed again and it has been a long and tiring day. As we began filming I looked over what I had to do in the scenes I appeared in. In these scenes there is not much action so I did not have to use much of my energy. Of course I still ended up tired. In these scenes the story is beginning to be established. My character is the antagonist of the sequence, I am who the mystery revolves around. Since this is the opening sequence the mystery will of course never be solved. It will still be explored though. As we filmed we all began progressively getting more and more tired. We all have been busy with school and work. So we just wanted to film and go home and rest. Me and my teammates filmed and watched our work and we decided that it was time to go home. For scene 3-5 it was very easygoing and smooth. The photo above is an example of an antagonist. He was the antagonist from marvels black panther. This is all I have for now, bye!

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