Introduction to the Final Task


        Hi I’m Amiya and I’m re-introducing myself for my final task. My final task will be an opening sequence to a movie. It is for my Media Studies class. I have been in this class for a few months now so I understand how this project will go and what is expected of me. I still enjoy reading a lot and listening to different kinds of music. Recently I have gotten into watching films and rating them on Letterboxd. I used to do this in 2020 but I stopped because I got lazy. I like to get good grades and I like drinking tea. I love all kinds of tea but recently cardamom chai has been my favorite. I also enjoy traveling and trying different kinds of foods. I plan to travel a lot this summer and I am excited to get out of my home state. I have always wanted to travel to North Italy, I think when it’s my time to retire that would be where I want relax. Music is still very important to me, I listen to about 2000 minutes or more of music every week. My top artists are Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, and Lana Del Rey. I really want to get tickets to Taylor’s era tour because she is coming to my home state again. 

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