Production Blog: Filming Delays


            This production blog will be about how my group did not film yet. While my group had a schedule for filming it had to be altered because things came up. For me I have been busy all week and for the last weeks. I moved houses and the quarter at my school is ending. I have been focusing on unpacking and moving around. My grades have also been a main priority for me and while this music video is a part of it my other grades are more at risk. My group members have also been busy with work and testing. My group will have to figure out a schedule to start production and filming. Instead of filming I have been trying to figure out how each scene will exactly go. Each scene is obviously important, and it must contain a message I am trying to get across. One of the scenes will be focused mainly around comparing yourself to celebrities. The message of the music video is mainly about how girls try to live up to unrealistic standards that celebrities set. While celebrities aren’t perfect young girls don’t get to see the imperfections. I went back to analyze the actual pretty hurts music video. While my groups video will be very different from the pretty hurts video it is important to understand what Beyoncé wanted people to get from her art. Pretty hurts has always been about living up to unrealistic standards. But my group wants to show how normal girls also try to live up to impossible expectations. In the end the video will be about self love and how accepting yourself is important. Since I have not filmed pre-planning important scenes is the best thing to do. The impact a scene has is important to the overall music video and message.

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