Production blog: editing scenes for the music video


            While my team filmed, I edited scenes for the music video. The first scene that was filmed was of one of the actors looking into the mirror. The shot was a medium long shot and it showed the actors upper half. The actor is analyzing herself in the mirror and she is feeling insecure about herself. The actor analyzing her looks and she feels bad about herself. This is the first scene that will be displayed in the music video. The first thing viewers should think of is insecurities. How they affect people and how they ruin self image. The first shot will start with a fade in, I’m trying to give off the feeling of a story being told. After the first scene the actor goes into the bathroom and puts on makeup to feel better. It doesn’t work so she ends up feeling worse. There will be no transitions in between scenes. This decision may change later. The order of the clips are gradually building up to the end of the story. After adding all the clips together I just rewatched the music video and made sure my clips and storyboard was synced up.

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