Introduction to the Music Video


Hi Im Amiya and I’m reintroducing myself for my music video project .I’m a high school student who’s stuck in active history. Ignoring the censorship, I read all and any books I can get my hands on. I enjoy watching films and listening to music. If I’m not in the middle of a conversation my headphones are definitely on and the volume is at 100. We can’t listen to music in school either but my love for music always makes its way into any assignment I can write freely on. I hate poetry and I don’t understand it. Spoken or written I think there is no sense to words that aren’t even in order. Not all poetry is like this that, but I can’t ever seem to find the beauty of it, everyone always speaks of it at least. I love rap music though which is what teachers compare poetry to in a weak attempt to get us interested into being taught the same thing every year. I love learning I think learning new things is probably the only thing I look forward to every day. If I go a day without learning something new I don’t consider it a good day. I’m good at almost every subject when I truly try to understand it. Unlike half the human population I enjoy doing Math because unlike every other subject the solutions can’t be changed or swayed by opinions. It stays the same throughout time and it can’t be changed over the political state of the world. My current hobbies are focused around reading, it always is. I like to reread books I read years ago to see how much my views on my favorite characters have changed. I plan on helping change whatever laws that have forced my generation into a box that not all of us fit in. In the near future I also plan on trying to get a pet monkey. Night at the Museum influenced my life choices way more than it should have. 

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