Group Blog for Music Video


  My music video project will be done in a group with other people. I am working with my good friends Abigail, and Eileen. Two other students that attend my school. They also have the Media studies class. I chose to work with them because I have known them both for a long time. Each of them are hard workers and they apply themselves to their assignments. They both believe academics are important so I know I can depend on them to do their parts. Just like they can depend on me to do my part. The song I chose was Pretty Hurts by Beyoncé. My group chose this because the meaning of the song runs deep, and the music video is even deeper. Pretty Hurts is about young girls accepting themselves. Beauty standards today change every second and it’s hard to fit into them. The music video is based around a storyline. Women in a beauty pageant where they are all competing. You have to look a certain way, speak a certain way, and be a certain size. As the music video continues the girls take things and do things to fit into an unrealistic standard. In the end they all realize how messed up the standard is, and they live their lives being happy with themselves as they are. This message is a beautiful message, and it addresses problems that we as a society are still struggling with. So doing this video would hold a message that needs to be spread. Beyoncé repeats are you happy with yourself over and over again in the songs and it makes you question things. 

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